Our Summer
We had a great summer. Jason worked the entire summer and took classes during Spring term. He got to come home for lunch during Summer term, which I always love. Callie and I went swimming, went to Seven Peaks, went hiking, and went on walks every day. As a family, we went up to Idaho to visit my parents’ new home. While there, I went with my mom and Aunt Sheri to Time Out for Women. It was wonderful! We celebrated my birthday in June, our anniversary in June, and Callie’s birthday in July. My parents visited often since the weather is nice this time of year. For the first time in probably 5 years, my skin saw the sun! It felt great.
Updates on Callie
Callie is a couple weeks away from being 15 months old and she started walking a few weeks ago. I really enjoy watching her carefully hobble around the room, and she is pretty proud of herself.
She has developed a love of (and possibly an obsession with) books. She loves to find books and bring them to me so I can read them to her. Her favorite book is called “Colors”, which has a color with two objects on each set of two pages.
She finally got her first tooth a couple weeks before her first birthday and another one on her birthday. She now has six teeth, and I am thoroughly enjoying feeding her normal food (and she is thoroughly enjoying eating it).
Her current vocabulary incudes: mama, dada (her favorite person and word), hi, uh oh, teddy (or something like it), and nana (banana).
Her favorite toys are 1. her baby doll and stroller, which she loves to push around the house (along with anything else she can push—her high chair, her basket of diapers, her box of toys, etc.); 2. any kind of ball, and 3. anything of Mommy’s and Daddy’s.
The other day she found this little purse, put it on her shoulder and walked around the house with it. I’m not sure where that funny little pose came from (lifting her chin, squinting her eyes, and scrunching up her nose), but she sure thought it was funny.
Callie’s birthday was in July. We had a cupcake party with grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Jason has started Fall Semester (his LAST fall semester) and is officially considered a master’s student. That pretty much just means we have to pay a lot more for tuition and he can’t get pell grants, but on the bright side, we get to park in the graduate parking spots. Callie and I are continuing to enjoy home life. I have started playing tennis with women in the ward, which has been so fun. I hadn’t played since I was pregnant because we hadn’t dared try it with Callie, but it is working out pretty well!
Since living in Utah, I have had a hard time enjoying fall because the cold seems to come too quickly and stay too long, but I cannot deny that I enjoy the cool (yet still warm) weather, the changing of the colors, and Thanksgiving, so I am going to try to focus on my good feelings for fall this year.