Monday, November 19, 2012

We Bought a Christmas Tree!

Last week, we picked out our very own tree. The past 4 Christmases, we borrowed a tiny table-top tree from Jason's parents with the exception of one year when my Grandma lent us one of hers. 

I've been so excited for Christmas this year, because Callie is excited and is understanding more this year. Every time we go to a store that has Christmas trees and decorations, she exclaims, "Christmas!!"  We've been asking her what she wants, and she always says she wants a baby and a teddy bear. Babies are her favorite thing so that was not a surprise (although she has plenty of babies already). She wants a teddy bear because of one she saw at Sam's Club that she likes.

Even though it was still a little early for a tree, I just couldn't stand my anticipation of seeing the look on Callie's face when we lighted our own tree at home, so we bought one. We were originally going to buy a cheap, small tree and add a decent tree to our what-we-want-to-buy-once-we've-bought-a-house list, but we caved and bought a 7.5' tree. What we didn't think about in the store was how we were going to fit the tree in our already full car. This is what we came up with, but the picture does not do it justice.
The tree took my seat in the front and even took up space in the back. I was squished between the girls. The few times I've given people rides in my car, I always send a tiny kid to sit in the middle, and it's usually cramped for them. My left leg and hip were under the side of Callie's seat and my torso was forced to the right, next to Maddie's car seat. In other words, my spine was forced into an S shape. It was hilarious and, at the same time, pretty painful for my back (especially when our trip to a drive-through on the way home took much longer than expected).

We set up the tree the next day. Aside of being excited to see it, there wasn't really room to store it without rearranging our whole house.

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1 comment:

Carlie said...

That sounds uncomfortable for a seating arrangement! I think you need a van soon! haha ;) Congrats on the big Christmas tree purchase!