Monday, February 13, 2012

Future Big Sister

My sister Melissa has a two year-old daughter and a 6 month-old baby. The toddler loves to "change" her baby sister's diaper by taking off all of her clothes and diaper. There's also the infamous stories of my nieces and nephews taking off their diapers and smearing the contents all over the wall. I have not been looking forward to that stage of removing diapers and had been so glad that Callie had not yet figured out how to take off her diaper. Well, this weekend, she made steps towards such behaviors.

It all started on Friday when she became quite interested in putting a new diaper on herself (thankfully her own diaper stayed on). She layed her diaper out just like we do and then proceeded to lie on top of the diaper, trying to put it on. She even wiped herself (and her baby doll, and me) with a wipe.

On Saturday, she had been throwing a fit for no apparent reason and that typically means she's just overly tired and needs a nap, so Jason tried to put her down for a nap, closing the door. She screamed and cried and then all of the sudden got quiet. We thought she had fallen asleep, but then heard her knocking at her door a little while later. Jason opened her door to find that she had taken off her diaper. Thankfully it was only a little wet, so there wasn't anything to smear on the walls, but I guess we have now entered THAT stage of toddler-ism. Oh joy. I guess she's just getting ready to be a big sister and change her own baby sister's diapers :)


Ciera said...

I see you're making plentiful use of the new internet :)

Jenna said...

She is so cute! I am excited to see if this next little looks just like her. Hope you are feeling well.