Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Job!

I was finally hired! Last weekend, while at the movie theater with Jason, I got a call from a lady that interviewed me for the Independent Study job, and she told me I was hired! I was sooo excited! I started work last Monday as a customer service representative (answering phones) working full-time and training. At first it was really overwhelming because there's so much we have to know to answer everyone's questions, but by the end of the week I was feeling much more confident. I started out with a headset, listening to my trainer talk on the phone. Then I started doing the typing or talking. By Friday afternoon I was taking phone calls on my own without a trainer.

Since it was education week and Jason's job deals a lot with that, he worked about 65 hours! We were both exhausted and so ready for the weekend. Because of the need to train lots of new employees in his department, Jason is only working 9 hours this week. Lucky him. Anyways, I am so grateful that my prayers were finally answered and I found a job. It is such a relief.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I am so glad that you both have jobs!! What a blessing and relief! So do you work in the same building? When do classes start?