On Tuesday morning, around 3:30am, I woke up to some bad pain in my lower right abdomen going through to my lower back. I thought maybe I was sleeping in a weird position or something, so I rolled over and went back to sleep after a few minutes. When I woke up I still had pain, but it was not as bad so I went to school. After my first class I headed to work. I was running a little late so I walked pretty fast. The intense pain in the same spot set in again. I thought if I could just make it to work, it would probably go away, but it didn't. About 15 minutes into work I couldn't handle it any longer so I left, sobbing.
On my way home I called Jason, but he didn't answer because he was in class. I left a message and sent him a text to call me. Many things were going through my head: "what if the same thing happens to me that happened to Andrea...what if my appendix ruptured...what if they have to do surgery? They can't do surgery, I have a baby inside! what if something's wrong with the baby?" I was so scared and was in so much pain. Shortly after I got home Jason called and said he'd come home right away (he walked all the way home from his class because he didn't want me to get up and drive). I began pleading with the Lord that everything would be okay.
While waiting for Jason to get home, I called my doctor's office and they told me I should go to the hospital so they could check things out. We spent about 4 hours in the hospital while they asked me a hundred questions, hooked me up to machines to monitor the baby and me, and took a bunch of tests. Although I didn't realize it, I was having contractions along with the worst times of pain. They decided it wasn't pre-term labor and the baby seemed to be doing fine. They didn't really figure out what was going on. They found some bacteria and thought it could be an oncoming infection, or I could have pulled a muscle or tendon and my body was reacting badly. They sent me home with an antibiotic and told me to "take it easy." That's easier said than done when you're in the second to last full week of the semester and working...
Things seem to be improving. I have less episodes of intense pain and contractions each day. The pain rarely completely goes away and is aggravated by moving, standing, and walking so I'm beginning to think I injured myself. Although I'm still in a lot of pain, I'm so grateful it wasn't anything serious or threatening to the baby.