Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday--No Pun Intended

A few years ago, Jason and I experienced Black Friday for the first time. We stood in long lines in the middle of the night in freezing cold weather and braved the mass of people crazily hunting down their prizes. We learned our lesson. Now we just go if there is a really good deal on something we really want, and even then we don't normally go when the store first opens. We go once the madness has died down. It's usually just Jason who goes since we have kids now.

We weren't planning on doing Black Friday shopping last night (especially since lots of stores opened at 8:00--that disgusts me). We looked at the ads yesterday just to see if there was anything good and we did find something exciting--a bike for Callie, but we were worn out once we got home last night. I went to bed around 10:30, but Jason wasn't tired yet, so he stayed up. Some time later, he came into our room and told me he was going to go get that bike. He was successful and even got a couple of other things. Callie will be sooooooooooooo excited.

This morning, we joined my Aunt Nancy, Uncle Mike, and my cousin, Alyssa (from my dad's side of the family--the Black side of the family--hence the title of my post) in their yearly tradition of going to a Christmas tree farm. They've been going for about 23 years now! My family joined them a couple of times, but I don't remember. I've just seen pictures of myself, all bundled up in a big coat and gloves, with my cousins, in front of uncut trees.

The farm was over an hour north of Dallas out in the middle of no where. It was a beautiful drive and it was so nice to get out of the city. They had a hay ride and a really fun play ground with swings, slides, a maze, Christmas decorations, and picture-taking spots. They even had a little train ride for the kids (water barrel seats, pulled by a tractor). We had such a great time! Callie loved touching all of the trees and her favorite things at the playground were the play car with a Christmas tree strapped to the top and the airplane swing.

Both of our girls loved Alyssa!

Uncle Mike, Aunt Nancy, and Alyssa holding the tree she cut for an elderly lady from church.

1 comment:

Matthew and Shanna said...

Yay for Christmas tree hunting! I'm glad you guys got to go together!