Although I have struggled with many things lately that come with adding a third child, I can't help but feel so grateful for the beautiful life I have. There are times when I can simply observe what's going on and drink in the beauty of my family. I had one of those times on Sunday. I wish I could remember the details better, but I was sitting on my bed, surrounded by the ones I hold dear, just watching them interact and seeing them through different eyes. Too often I see them through the eyes of a tired, overwhelmed mother and they just seem to constantly demand many things from me, draining me of physical, mental, and emotional energy. But on those special occasions when I see them from a different perspective I can see what wonderful, sweet, talented little people they are. I am filled with love and awe and gratitude in those moments.
My newest little babe has suffered with acid reflux. She is on medication for it, which does help a great deal, but there are still times she is in pain and is uncomfortable. This has brought some difficult nights, frustrating nursing sessions, and lots of crying. When she is comfortable she is incredibly happy and sweet. Her smile is amazing and contagious. I love staring into her eyes and imagining who she was in her premortal life and who she will become in our family.

Clara is 3 months old now. Part of me feels like she's been with us much longer than that, but another part of me feels like it was just yesterday that I was eagerly anticipating her arrival. I think Callie is her favorite person (aside of her Mommy, of course). She loves to watch Callie and be with her. Callie is often able to sooth Clara's cries just by being near her or singing to her.
With each baby, I love the baby stage more and more. I love how innocent they are. Not going to lie, I love that she can't talk yet and hence can't engage in sister-drama yet. Her life is still so simple. She doesn't care what clothes I put on her, she doesn't argue about the food she's fed (except when she has reflux pains), she can't come out of her room at night to avoid going to bed, she doesn't care what toys she has or doesn't have. Yes, transitioning from 2 to 3 kids has been very challenging, but I am enjoying all of these perks that come with her age, because all too soon I will have 3 little girls that all want their way and have to have their say. :)
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