Thursday, October 16, 2008


Since September 1st, Jason and I had not run the air conditioning or the heater because the weather was basically perfect. Well...last week it got really cold so about Tuesday or Wednesday we decided it was time to turn on the heater (it was getting down to the low 60's during the night in our house). We soon discovered it wasn't working...Jason's dad came and tried to fix it and spent a whole day working on it, but couldn't figure out what was wrong so he tried to meet with a technician he works with. The guy flaked out 2 or 3 times and Jason's dad couldn't fix it without his help, so we were left freezing in our house for almost a week. We had a little space heater that we would drag around to whichever room we were in and we tried to stay bundled up. At night before we went to bed we would turn on the heater in our room and shut the door to warm it up. Then we would turn it off (we didn't want it to start a fire while we were sleeping) and add extra blankets to our bed. We'd set our alarm for an hour before we were supposed to get up, turn on the heater, and sleep for another hour while it warmed our room up. Then, because it was way to cold to eat breakfast in our kitchen, we would eat breakfast in bed. Over the weekend it was ridiculously cold (20's at night and low 40's during the day), so we stayed over at the Allphin's Saturday night. Anyway, Jason's dad and his coworker were finally able fix it on Tuesday so now we're nice and warm.

Another wave of midterms and papers are upon us...and with it, the opera! Yesterday started our business. We went to the Guarneri Quartet concert. They are one of the best quartets in the world. They've been performing together for 45 years and this is their last concert season. They are all really old now, but they are absolutely incredible! I'm so sad last night was the last concert of theirs I'll ever go to, because I just found out about them a couple years ago from Dr. Bigelow and I heard them for the first time last year when they performed at BYU. The concert was in Salt Lake and was 2 hours long so it took up our whole night, but we had a great time. Tonight is the first of rehearsals for the opera, Don Giovanni. I perform tonight, Tuesday night (another dress rehearsal), and Saturday night (the last performance). Opera is fun, exhausting, and stressful because of the timing with midterms, but I really like playing in the opera. Everyone in the area that reads this should go see it! It's going to be awesome!


Ciera said...

ugh. thats brutal, no heater for that long?

Andrea said...

Glad it's fixed! I still czn't believe it snowed there...