Monday, February 9, 2009


Sorry it's been a while since I've posted, but life has been insane! Here's a quick update:

December: Christmas was great! I had a lot of fun with Jason and his family! It was a lot of fun watching Halie and Kaden get so excited about opening presents and talking about Santa. It was so wonderful having a break from school and spending time with Jason.

January: My sister-in-law, Kelsie, got married on Jan 10 to Rick Wirsch! My busiest semester started including 15.0 credits (I know that doesn't sound like much, but this is the music major we're talking about. They basically require you to sign your life away and give you hardly any credit for it), 20 hours of work per week, and the process of applying to the music education major. Monday, Tuesday, and Friday I have class and work from 8am until 7pm. Thursday I have class and work from 8am until 5pm and then I teach a viola lesson. Wednesday (up until this week) I had class and work from 8am until 9:30pm.

February: To keep this brief, in addition to the previously mentioned schedule, this month I have 5 midterms, a few papers, 2 concerts, my portfolio and application for the music education major, a talk in church, a workshop for a primary activity to prepare and teach, and stake relief society conference to perform at. I'm trying to follow my sister's great advice to find joy in the journey amidst all my stress. We'll see how it goes!


becky said...

Besides learning book stuff in college, we should learn stress coping skills. That education is almost more important than anything else you can learn. The busiest people are usually the ones that you can count on the most to get something else done. I am proud of your efforts and pray that you can conquer all
Love Dad

Ciera said...

I can't believe I haven't seen you in like, a year...ish. where have you been hiding?