Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Three Things to Remember About Callie

1. In addition to Mom and Mommy, Callie has started calling me Mommay (sort of with a British accent). I'm called Mommay when she's just woken up in the morning and is laying next to her door calling for me to come get her. I am called Mommay occasionally when she needs help with something and I am far away. I'm also called Mommay when she's whining about something. It's pretty funny.

2. I was doing the dishes today, and Callie came in the kitchen carrying a chair three times her size saying, "can help me" over and over. She often says this when I am doing chores around the house. She is always so eager and happy to help. Even though she always makes a mess of water on the counter, her clothes, the chair, and the floor, I couldn't turn her down because she's so cute.

3. When she is being silly, funny, or is responding to a question when she is feeling timid, she scrunches up her nose and exhales in short huffs through her nose, sort of like this picture (this nose scrunch was coaxed by me, so it's not quite authentic--but you get the idea). 
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