Madison has become quite proficient with her current mode of transportation: the inch worm scoot. She can get where she wants to go in a decent amount of time. I usually put her down to play in our living room, but her adventures of late have taken her to the hallway, the dining room, and the kitchen.
She loves to be a part of the action, especially when Big Sister is doing something. It's pretty funny to watch the two girls interact. Maddie likes to go after things like piles of shoes or toys that Callie has set up in a certain way, and Callie always jumps to the scene to take things away. Sometimes this is a good thing, but we're really trying to get Callie to understand that all of the sudden, the toys in our house now also belong to Madison. It's a difficult concept to grasp.
Callie (C) seems to have made her own rules for Madison's (M) toy allowance. They are as follows:
1. M may never, ever, play with toys that Callie is currently playing with. Parallel play only.
2. On RARE occasions, M may play with particular baby dolls as C sees fit, but NEVER Heavy Baby.
3. M may NEVER EVER touch, play with, or even get too close to C's special blankie.
4. M may play with Minnie Mouse.
5. M may play with the Little people when C allows, but not the school bus.
6. M may play with the xylophone dog, but not with her robotic dog toys (they bark, move, and walk).
7. M may play with any "baby" toys as long as Heavy Baby isn't currently playing with them.
8. M may not play with non-toy items such as shoes, door stops, etc., but she may play with pillows.
It's pretty entertaining.