Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tot School

A few weeks ago, I started doing a preschool with some other toddler mommies from church. There are six kids and we rotate who's teaching/hosting each week. It has been great fun! The kids love getting together with each other, there's structured learning going on, and the mom's get a break when it's not their turn. Here's Callie all ready for preschool with her backpack on.

Preschool gives her a distraction from some other things she's been doing lately, such as:

1. Biting her toe nails. Eww! I told her, "biting toe nails is icky" to which she replied, "it's yummy!" How do you keep a toddler from biting nails? I figure she won't be flexible enough to bite her toe nails for long, but she bites her finger nails too...

2. More locking of doors. We're getting creative, experimenting with putting baby-proofing door knob covers and taping over the hole for the lock. It's worked so far.

3. Parking her cars. This is one of her favorite places to park them.

4A. Emptying the silverware drawer.
4B. "Washing" the silverware.

5. Climbing to get things I tried to put out of her reach. I'm running out of places to put things...

Okay, here's one story today about Callie. After preschool today, Callie was trying to write her name on the top of her paper like I had done. She said, "A, L, Peach, I, N." Pretty funny and pretty close! I guess she's heard me spell it for people a thousand times and is catching on.

1 comment:

Carlie said...

That is a pretty creative way to get to the top of the dresser!

You can always try that thumbsucking nail polish on her toes. I don't know what it is called though.