My sister, Andrea graduated on December 15 with a degree in Elementary Education from UTA.
Andrea and her cute family: Ryan (husband), Ethan and Abby |
She started her degree many years ago, but had to postpone finishing because of her miracle premature babies. Andrea went back to school taking classes at night or online while working at a school and being a wife to her working husband and a mother to her two school-aged children. She worked incredibly hard doing all of those things (not to mention she's incapable of giving herself any sort of break as far as grades are concerned--below an A is basically failing). She is such an inspiration! I was so glad I was able to go!
Sisters! (We all got degrees in education--pretty funny.) |
My parents were in town for a little less than a week, so we were able to have lots of Black family fun.
I made Christmas cookies with my mom and sister.
Notice the little indentations on the pink star cookies? Callie had asked if she could have more "coo-keys", and I said no. After a while she came over to me and I saw a little pink sprinkle on her lip. I asked, "Callie, did you eat another cookie?" She said, "no, I eat sprinkle" and she ran off. I peeked at her a little later and found her pinching the sprinkles off the cookies. It was so funny and cute. |
My parents took everyone to a really fun place called Going Bonkers. |
Cousin Hailey and Callie |
Callie was beyond worn out after our fun time that night. She didn't even wake up when we took her out of my parents' rental car. |
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