This about sums up Callie's life:
Just kidding, but it does still consume our lives. I love how she still sits sideways on the potty and she's excited when she finds similar methods on potties away from home. She's really good about telling me she needs to go when we are away from home and she doesn't have accidents out of our house, but she also enjoys going on other potties. If we pass by one that she knows about, she suddenly has to go, but I can usually get her to wait when I know she just went 10 minutes ago.
She is enjoying preschool. She has been going through this phase of being attached to me (probably because of Madison being attached to me), so she doesn't normally want to go and freaks out when I leave her there, but then she ends up having fun.
She is becoming more defiantindependent. Callie finds some interesting outfits to wear and changes throughout the day. She loves wearing mismatched shoes (she's currently wearing a white, dress shoe with a brown, casual sandal). She also doesn't like me doing her hair. She prefers it down and "loose". And yes, she usually has a baby in tow. As I typed that I looked over to see if that was the case at this moment in time. Sure enough, she's got Little Baby in her arm.
Callie got a hold of a permanent marker a couple weeks ago and went to town on her body and closet. The picture on the right is only a small sampling of the scribbling she did...I tried to clean it off but the paint in this apartment is so cheap it comes right off with any friction, so I decided colored walls was preferable to no paint.
Callie loves to copy "mommom" (I love that mommom is my current nickname). In the above photo, we were both working on our computers.
This morning I was playing my viola (which was exciting and only happens once in a blue moon these days), so Callie got out her "clarinet", which happens to also function as a violin (she insisted that it was a violin, not a viola--where did I go wrong?). Then she got out her bow (my bow hair tube from my case) and started playing her violin by blowing through the mouthpiece and bowing back and forth on the top. I was impressed! Now we just need to work on that bow hold...
So this brings me to her next thing. She has quite the imagination. Everyday objects convert into whatever she wants and everything now involves awesome sound effects.
The entertainment center has a glass door covering some shelves. She uses it as her microwave to warm up food for her babies.
Her push and ride car is also her vacuum (she even makes the noises).
When she nurses her babies, she now also pretends to move her imaginary undergarments as part of the process.
Various objects serve as her phone and camera (such as our little electronic solitaire game).
The walls, floors, and doors serve as her race track for her cars and the blinds are her parking garage.
She puts Little Baby in her little carseat, sets her on her push and ride car, and takes her to the store, the park, and preschool.
I wish I could remember more off the top of my head, but I'll have to add some more later as I remember them.
Here is Callie's personality in pictures.
"Don't take a picture of me" (shy) |
Silly |
"moooomm...don't make me smile. I don't want to smile." |
Fighting the smile, but losing the fight |
There's my happy girl! |
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